This Thursday we are celebrating Halloween at school!!!  You should have picked up your October News Flyer at the beginning iof this month in your child's art file with all the details regarding our fun day!!!

The children wear their costumes to school , have a special snack, walk around the playground for the parade of costumes and Trick-Or-Treat inside from center to center collecting all sorts of donated goodies:)

If this is NOT your child's scheduled day then please feel free to join us around 10:30 -11:15 for the fun!!

We are still accepting goodies of all kinds for the trick -or- treating activity.......candy, toys, stickers, fruit snacks, pretzels, crackers, etc are fun ideas for the treats:)

We will need ALL treats here by Wednesday 10/29 in order to sort them out for the parents to hand out on Thursday!!!

We hope you can join us:)