February 2016


This week 2/22-2/26 please allow your child to bring some of his/her  favorite books for us to share throughout the day and at circle time!!

Please make sure your child's name is on/in the book so that we can get it back in the appropriate cubby when finished.

Look forward to a fun filled week of new stories to share!!

Valentine's Fun!! This Week!!

The  "mailboxes" are out on the shelves throughout the school. Starting Monday 2/08 please feel free to bring your child's Valentine's to school and plan to help your child "deliver" them to the Mailboxes.

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Wednesday and Thursday....If this is not your child's scheduled school day then please see MIss Julie so we can include your child in the fun!!

Happy Birthday to You!!!

Astara             2/02

Gavin              2/09

Evan               2//14

Johnny           2/18

Alex               2/20

William          2/27

Miss Jackie   2/27