YES! YES! YES! We continue to be open this week Monday 10/16 and going forward!!!
Thank you for your patience with our open/closure day to day updates during the past week of devastating events.
Miss Julie spent yesterday reaching out to ALL The Bridge School families in order to know their safety status and if they needed anything at this time. She either spoke to them directly or left a message letting them know the latest updates and how to keep in the loop for future news....THIS website :)
INFO....Pumpkin Patch has been postponed but we would like all the Permission Slips handed in this week as soon as you can because then we can reschedule at a moments notice with G-Mas Pumpkin Patch!! Miss Julie needs to make sure how many are going and driver availibility...we do not want children missing out and we are not confirmed on our exact enrollemt number this week .
School Photos MIGHT be postponed also depending on the enrollment this week.....again we do not want families missing out on this special event!!
As for your children......we are here to create and keep normalcy for them by coming to a safe happy place...SCHOOL! We know that each family has handled the devastating events differently and how they have discussed it with these young ones.. We always let the conversation be lead by the child then go from there while keeping it simple and developmentally appropriate ...we want the children to feel safe and not fearful.
We look forward to seeing our Bridge School Families as they return to school.........Thank you for being a part of our family!!