This is another reminder that school is CLOSED on April 21st in order for the teachers to prepare and get the walls ready for our ANNUAL ART SHOW the NEXT night April 22nd!!
Reminder that this Wednesday April 9th is our Spring Photo Day at school. ALl the children will have their picture taken along with a group photo!! No need to prepay we receive the proofs in a week and then at that time you may purchase any photos you like!! If this is NOT your child's scheduled school day then please be there at 10:00 and plan to stay for a bit while we take his/her photo and group photo. If you have any questions then please feel free to see Julie!!
This week we are asking that your child bring in an item to share for our food tasting experiment. It should be a food that they like even his/her favorite!! You don't need to bring in enough for all children because this is a "tasting" of the different items each day:) Look forward to sharing their opinions on the samples!!
Please feel free to bring in empty boxes for a group project by the children!! The boxes can be all sizes and shapes in order to make the project more creative:)